SGI Varsity Update 1998 August
SGI Varsity Update 1998 August.iso
Text File
792 lines
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7.2.1 Fortran 77 Front-End Release Notes
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DDDDooooccccuuuummmmeeeennnntttt NNNNuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr 000000007777----1111666655559999----000011110000
5. _K_n_o_w_n__P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s__a_n_d__W_o_r_k_a_r_o_u_n_d_s
This chapter describes the known problems with
the current release of the Fortran product and
how to work around them. Some of the
descriptions are followed by a Silicon Graphics,
Inc., bug report number in the form
(Bug ID xxxxx).
5.1 _K_n_o_w_n__P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s__(_L_i_c_e_n_s_i_n_g_)
+o The MIPSpro F77 compiler will abort if the
license file directory (/var/flexlm)
contains a cycle formed by symbolic links.
For example:
%ls -l /var/flexlm
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 1 Mar 13 1996 license -> .
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 1162 Aug 20 17:09 license.dat
%f77 foo.f
Bus error (core dumped)
The solution is to remove the symbolic link
that forms the cycle.
+o Overloaded use of LM_LICENSE_FILE
Although this is not a bug, compiler users
often have environments which specify the
LM_LICENSE_FILE variable with a license
file that contains licenses for other
software. If, however, the compiler
licenses are not installed in this
alternate license file, compilations will
generate the warning message illustrated
below. The remedy is to either not use the
LM_LICENSE_FILE variable or to set it to
its old value followed by a colon (:) and
the file that contains the compiler
- 3 -
For Example:
%f77 foo.f
No such feature exists (-5,116:2) No such file or directory
The MIPSpro Fortran 77 Compiler
(license FEATURE string = f77)
requires a license password.
For license installation and trouble shooting
information visit the web page:
To obtain a Permanent license (proof of purchase
required) or an Evaluation license please
visit our license request web page:
or send a blank email message to:
In North America, Silicon Graphics' customers may request
Permanent licenses by sending a facsimile to:
(650) 932-0537
or by calling our technical support hotline
If you are Outside of North America or you are not a Silicon
Graphics support customer then contact your local support provider.
%setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /usr/john_doe/license.dat:/var/flexlm/license.dat
%f77 foo.f
+o Cryptic warning message from licensing.
- 4 -
The first line of a warning message that
occurs when a license file exists under
/var/flexlm but does not contain the
compiler license can be misleading. For
completeness the following example
illustrates the entire output when a
license file exists, but a license is not
%f77 foo.f
No such feature exists (-5,116)
The MIPSpro Fortran 77 Compiler
(license FEATURE string = f77)
requires a license password.
For license installation and trouble shooting
information visit the web page:
To obtain a Permanent license (proof of purchase
required) or an Evaluation license please
visit our license request web page:
or send a blank email message to:
In North America, Silicon Graphics' customers may request
Permanent licenses by sending a facsimile to:
(650) 932-0537
or by calling our technical support hotline
If you are Outside of North America or you are not a Silicon
Graphics support customer then contact your local support provider.
- 5 -
5.2 _K_n_o_w_n__P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s__i_n__M_I_P_S_p_r_o__F_o_r_t_r_a_n__7_7
The problems described in this section are known
to exist in MIPSpro Fortran 77 in both 32-bit
and 64-bit compilation modes. References to the
64-bit compiler implicitly refer to ----nnnn33332222
compilations as well.
+o SSSSyyyymmmmbbbboooollll ccccllllaaaasssshhhh wwwwiiiitttthhhh _llll_iiii_bbbb_ffff_tttt_nnnn_...._ssss_oooo ((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD 111155554444888844445555))))
Some programs which used to link correctly
with previous releases get an _l_d error
because of conflicting symbol definitions
between their symbols and those of _l_i_b_f_t_n._s_o.
Work around this by compiling with the
-_n_o_n__s_h_a_r_e_d option.
+o CCCCoooommmmppppiiiilllliiiinnnngggg oooolllldddd FFFFoooorrrrttttrrrraaaannnn ccccooooddddeeee
Fortran, by default, allocates local
variables on the stack for faster execution
speed. These local automatic variables are
uninitialized, as opposed to being
initialized to zeros, which occurs using the
static allocation of older Fortran systems.
Also, the value of an automatic variable is
not retained between successive calls to a
subroutine as for a static variable.
Therefore, if you have an old program,
especially one ported from the VAX, that
behaves strangely, recompile it with ----ssssttttaaaattttiiiicccc
and check the results. If using ----ssssttttaaaattttiiiicccc
works correctly, the problem is caused by
automatic allocation of undeclared static
variables. If execution speed is not an
issue, the program can be compiled with
----ssssttttaaaattttiiiicccc without having to be modified.
Otherwise, you need to track down all
variables that expect an initial value
(either a zero value when starting a program
or the value from the previous subroutine
invocation in a subroutine call) and declare
those variables as static using the STATIC
statement. Using the ----LLLLIIIISSSSTTTT option can help
in tracking these static variables.
Running these old programs without the
----ssssttttaaaattttiiiicccc compilation option sometimes results
in very slow execution speed because the
supposedly static values are undefined and
take a lot more time to converge. So the
first thing to try when you have an unusual
performance problem when porting a program to
- 6 -
a Silicon Graphics platform is to add the
----ssssttttaaaattttiiiicccc option when compiling.
+o VVVVaaaarrrriiiiaaaabbbblllleeee ffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaatttt iiiinnnn aaaa cccchhhhaaaarrrraaaacccctttteeeerrrr ssssttttrrrriiiinnnngggg ((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD
Variable format is only recognized inside a
FORMAT statement. If it is used within a
character string, it will give a runtime
error. Work around this bug by making an
explicit FORMAT statement when variable
format is desired.
+o RRRRuuuunnnnttttiiiimmmmeeee IIII////OOOO eeeerrrrrrrroooorrrr mmmmeeeessssssssaaaaggggeeeessss ((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD 9999222288884444))))
All Fortran I/O error messages are documented
in _p_e_r_r_o_r(3F) and all IRIX system error
messages are documented in _i_n_t_r_o(2). Some
of these numbers overlapped and sometimes the
wrong error messages are printed for a given
error number. When the error message does
not make sense, it's best to check both man
pages to see which one applies.
5.3 _K_n_o_w_n__P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s__i_n__M_I_P_S_p_r_o__6_4_-_B_i_t__F_o_r_t_r_a_n__7_7
+o PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmmssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh MMMMPPPP pppprrrroooocccceeeesssssssseeeessss lllloooocccckkkkeeeedddd oooonnnnttttoooo aaaa ccccppppuuuu
The Power Challenge machines have the special
hardware device /dev/ccsync to help reduce
the overhead of an MP job, and this device is
used by default. However, due to necessary
compromises in the design, if an MP job uses
this device, the mp library will lock the
master process onto a cpu via the equivalent
of the sysmp(MP_MUSTRUN) system call. There
are some unfortunate side effects of this:
you may not execute the sysmp(MP_RUNANYWHERE)
command for the master process; the mp
synchronization will fail if you do. Some
users lock the master and each of the slave
processes onto separate cpus. This can fail
in the same way as above if the master
process gets assigned to a different cpu.
Process locking is an inherited attribute;
this means that if your MP program forks or
sprocs other child processes, they will be
locked onto the same cpu as the master, which
can seriously degrade performance. This can
be worked around by having the newly created
child process execute sysmp(MP_RUNANYWHERE).
If for some reason you must do your own
process locking, and/or cannot get the newly
created children to execute
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sysmp(MP_RUNANYWHERE), the problem can be
avoided by setting the environment variable
_MP_DONT_USE_CCSYNC, which will prevent MP
jobs run by that shell from using
+o TTTToooooooo mmmmaaaannnnyyyy ccccaaaallllllllssss ttttoooo mmmmpppp____ddddeeeessssttttrrrrooooyyyy
Due to a problem in libmp.a, if a process
creates and destroys MP processes (via
mp_destroy) more than about 35 times in a
single run, an internal table will overflow
and you will get the message: "Error: MP lib
could not register __mp_cleanup function via
__ateachexit". Note that MP process
destruction must be done deliberately; the
default behavior is to create the processes
once, and to keep them around until the job
terminates. There is no viable workaround
for this problem (other than calling
mp_destroy less often).
+o LLLLooooggggiiiiccccaaaallll vvvvaaaarrrriiiiaaaabbbblllleeeessss hhhhoooolllldddd iiiinnnntttteeeeggggeeeerrrr vvvvaaaalllluuuueeeessss
In the 32-bit compiler, when LOGICAL*2,
LOGICAL*4, and LOGICAL*8 variables are
assigned integer values (an extension to the
Fortran 77 standard), the values are
converted to .TRUE. or .FALSE. (one and
zero, respectively) before being assigned to
the variables. In the 64-bit compiler, the
LOGICAL variable is assigned the bit pattern
corresponding to the integer expression.
+o IIIInnnnlllliiiinnnneeee ooooppppttttiiiioooonnnn ////NNNNOOOOFFFF77777777 iiiissss nnnnooootttt ssssuuuuppppppppoooorrrrtttteeeedddd ((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD
This option is ignored by the 64-bit
+o AAAAddddjjjjuuuussssttttaaaabbbblllleeee aaaarrrrrrrraaaayyyy ddddiiiimmmmeeeennnnssssiiiioooonnnnssss ccccaaaannnn''''tttt bbbbeeee aaaarrrrrrrraaaayyyy
vvvvaaaalllluuuueeeessss ((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD 222200001111666655554444))))
Although this has always been documented as
illegal in SGI Fortran, the 32-bit compiler
accepts this syntax, whereas the 64-bit
compiler emits a compile-time error.
+o TTTThhhheeee ----XXXXllllooooccccaaaallllddddaaaattttaaaa ooooppppttttiiiioooonnnn hhhhaaaassss cccchhhhaaaannnnggggeeeedddd ssssyyyynnnnttttaaaaxxxx
The 64-bit loader uses a different syntax for
the option to make each thread in an MP
program have its own copy of a common block.
In the 32-bit loader, the option is
----XXXXllllooooccccaaaallllddddaaaattttaaaa ccccoooommmmmmmmoooonnnn____nnnnaaaammmmeeee____ while the 64-bit
loader uses ----WWWWllll,,,,----XXXXllllooooccccaaaallll,,,,ccccoooommmmmmmmoooonnnn____nnnnaaaammmmeeee____. Also,
- 8 -
the 32-bit loader allows list of ccccoooommmmmmmmoooonnnn____nnnnaaaammmmeeees
with the one ----XXXXllllooooccccaaaallllddddaaaattttaaaa option, while the
64-bit loader allows only one name per
----XXXXllllooooccccaaaallll option (but does allow multiple
----XXXXllllooooccccaaaallll options).
+o NNNNoooo wwwwaaaarrrrnnnniiiinnnnggggssss ffffoooorrrr mmmmiiiissssaaaalllliiiiggggnnnneeeedddd ccccoooommmmmmmmoooonnnn bbbblllloooocccckkkkssss
The 32-bit compiler warns for misaligned
COMMON blocks, whereas the 64-bit compiler
does not.
+o SSSSttttrrrriiiicccctttteeeerrrr cccchhhheeeecccckkkkiiiinnnngggg oooonnnn GGGGOOOOTTTTOOOO''''ssss
The MIPSpro manuals document that GOTO is
only valid when the branch is to an
executable statement. The 64-bit compiler is
stricter about enforcing this rule than the
32-bit compiler.
+o 222255556666----cccchhhhaaaarrrraaaacccctttteeeerrrr lllliiiimmmmiiiitttt oooonnnn lllliiiinnnneeee lllleeeennnnggggtttthhhh
The 32-bit compiler has no limit on the
length of a source line, whereas the 64-bit
compiler limits a line to 256 characters.
Continuation lines may be used for source
lines longer than 256 characters.
+o 99999999 mmmmaaaaxxxxiiiimmmmuuuummmm ccccoooonnnnttttiiiinnnnuuuuaaaattttiiiioooonnnn lllliiiinnnneeeessss
The compiler allows the maximum number of
continuation lines (99 by default) to be
increased by using -Wf,-NC<number>.
+o ----mmmmpppp____kkkkeeeeeeeepppp nnnnooootttt rrrreeeeccccooooggggnnnniiiizzzzeeeedddd
This option is needed for debugging parallel
applications when the 32-bit compilers are
used, but is unnecessary with the 64-bit
compilers, as proper debugging info is
generated when the ----gggg compiler option is
+o ----wwww66666666 iiiissss nnnnooootttt iiiimmmmpppplllleeeemmmmeeeennnntttteeeedddd
The ----wwww66666666 option is not implemented in this
+o ----66666666 iiiissss nnnnooootttt iiiimmmmpppplllleeeemmmmeeeennnntttteeeedddd
The ----66666666 option is not implemented in this
+o ----uuuusssseeeeffffppppiiiiddddxxxx iiiissss nnnnooootttt iiiimmmmpppplllleeeemmmmeeeennnntttteeeedddd
The ----uuuusssseeeeffffppppiiiiddddxxxx option is not implemented in
this release.
- 9 -
+o ----UUUU iiiissss nnnnooootttt iiiimmmmpppplllleeeemmmmeeeennnntttteeeedddd
The ----UUUU option is not implemented in this
+o NNNNaaaammmmeeeelllliiiisssstttt ssssyyyymmmmbbbboooollllssss ssssiiiilllleeeennnnttttllllyyyy ttttrrrruuuunnnnccccaaaatttteeeedddd ((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD
333377778888888899991111,,,, 333377778888999900008888))))
In the 64-bit compiler, symbols are
recognized for their full length in all
contexts other than namelists where they are
silently truncated if they are longer than 31
+o CCCCoooommmmppppiiiilllleeee----TTTTiiiimmmmeeee eeeerrrrrrrroooorrrrssss ffffoooorrrr oooovvvveeeerrrrllllaaaappppppppiiiinnnngggg
iiiinnnniiiittttiiiiaaaalllliiiizzzzaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss uuuussssiiiinnnngggg DDDDAAAATTTTAAAA ssssttttaaaatttteeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss ((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD
The 64-bit compiler can produce errors during
compilation of programs that include
overlapping initializations using DATA
5.4 _K_n_o_w_n _P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s _i_n _M_I_P_S_p_r_o _6_4-_B_i_t _a_n_d _N_3_2
_F_o_r_t_r_a_n _7_7
+o ffff77777777 ddddooooeeeessss nnnnooootttt ddddeeeetttteeeecccctttt oooobbbbvvvviiiioooouuuussss eeeerrrrrrrroooorrrr ((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD
555577777777111122222222)))) The following sytactically incorrect
program compiles without error under -n32 or
- 10 -
program aa
double precision K(2,2)
data k/1.,2.,3.,4/
call example(K)
DO 1 I = 1, 2
DO 2 J =1, 2
print *,k(I,1),k(I,2)
print *,"this is the end"
5.5 _K_n_o_w_n__P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s__i_n__M_I_P_S_p_r_o__3_2_-_B_i_t__F_o_r_t_r_a_n__7_7
+o EEEExxxxeeeeccccuuuuttttaaaabbbblllleeee ssssttttaaaatttteeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss iiiinnnn iiiinnnncccclllluuuuddddeeee ffffiiiilllleeeessss ((((BBBBuuuugggg
IIIIDDDD 5555555599993333))))
Executable statements are not allowed inside
include files because of a symbol table
requirement that all executable statements of
the same program unit, or, at least, the
first and the last executable statements,
come from the same source file. When
executable statements are used inside include
files, the compiler sometimes gives an
internal _l_i_b_m_l_d error when compiled with the
----gggg option. Please avoid using executable
statements inside include files.
+o CCCCoooonnnnccccaaaatttteeeennnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnn iiiinnnn WWWWRRRRIIIITTTTEEEE ssssttttaaaatttteeeemmmmeeeennnntttt ((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD
Concatenation of character strings with
variable lengths is not allowed in WRITE
statements, although this can now be done in
subroutine calls as an extension to the ANSI
standard. The workaround is to use comma to
replace the concatenation operator since all
Fortran output items are automatically
- 11 -
concatenated as a matter of fact so the
concatenation operation which puts the
concatenated result into a temporary buffer
is unnecessary, slows down the execution, and
causes the program to be less portable.
+o _cccc_pppp_pppp ddddooooeeeessss nnnnooootttt rrrreeeeccccooooggggnnnniiiizzzzeeee FFFFoooorrrrttttrrrraaaannnn ccccoooonnnnttttiiiinnnnuuuuaaaattttiiiioooonnnn
_c_p_p does not recognize Fortran continuation
lines, so it can mistakenly think that a word
is outside of a character string when that
word is continued across lines. If that word
is defined with the ----DDDD option or by #define
to be something else, _c_p_p can replace it with
another value, resulting in the wrong
character string value. To work around this
problem, either compile with the ----nnnnooooccccpppppppp
option or break the word pattern into two
lines so that _c_p_p cannot recognize it.
+o ----bbbbaaaacccckkkkssssllllaaaasssshhhh ddddooooeeeessss nnnnooootttt wwwwoooorrrrkkkk wwwwiiiitttthhhh _cccc_pppp_pppp
Although the ----bbbbaaaacccckkkkssssllllaaaasssshhhh option causes _f_c_o_m to
treat the backslash character as normal
character, _c_p_p still treats it as special
escape sequence and causes unexpected
behavior. Use ----nnnnooooccccpppppppp as a workaround.
+o UUUUssssiiiinnnngggg uuuunnnnddddeeeeccccllllaaaarrrreeeedddd aaaarrrrrrrraaaayyyyssss iiiissss mmmmiiiissssiiiinnnntttteeeerrrrpppprrrreeeetttteeeedddd aaaassss
aaaa ssssttttaaaatttteeeemmmmeeeennnntttt ffffuuuunnnnccccttttiiiioooonnnn
((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD 8888444499991111))))
Referencing an array element on the left-hand
side of an assignment without declaring the
dimension for the array can cause the
assignment statement to be misinterpreted as
a statement function.
+o MMMMuuuullllttttiiiipppplllleeee ddddeeeeffffiiiinnnniiiittttiiiioooonnnnssss ooooffff ccccoooommmmmmmmoooonnnn bbbblllloooocccckkkkssss ((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD
When a common block is defined several times
in different files by using DATA statements
to initialize one or more of the common block
elements, the linker produces an error
message regarding multiple definitions of
symbols. Solve this problem by moving all
initialization of the same common block to
one subroutine or block data.
+o VVVVeeeerrrryyyy llllaaaarrrrggggeeee aaaarrrrrrrraaaayyyyssss ccccaaaauuuusssseeee sssseeeeggggmmmmeeeennnnttttaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ffffaaaauuuulllltttt
((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD 11111111999999994444))))
When large arrays are declared inside a
subroutine, the program can get a
- 12 -
segmentation fault at execution time. When
this happens, check for the sizes of the
declared arrays and reduce them if possible.
+o LLLLiiiinnnneeee nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr ffffoooorrrr ddddeeeeccccllllaaaarrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn eeeerrrrrrrroooorrrr mmmmeeeessssssssaaaaggggeeeessss
((((BBBBuuuugggg IIIIDDDD 11112222999933336666))))
Since many Fortran declarations are
interrelated, the actual characteristics of a
variable is not known until all declarations
have been done, that is at the first
executable statement. Therefore, the error
messages indicate the first executable
statement when the actual error is due to the
wrong combination of the declarations. This
problem usually effects variables declared in
COMMON blocks and EQUIVALENCE statements.